There are times in life when we find ourselves in a great rhythm of exercising, eating well and getting good sleep. Then… there are times when life happens and you are thrown out of rhythm. As things settle you may be having difficulty getting back into that rhythm. Or, lately, you may feel like none of your efforts is paying off and you aren’t seeing the results you are looking for. This is where working with a health coach can help. Sometimes we need added motivation. A push. Someone who is knowledgable, and without judgement, to help us unblock ourselves. A session, maybe three.
I went through a period of time when I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted. I was searching for someone to help me sort out what I was missing. Was I not working out hard enough, spending enough time working out each week, was my nutrition/diet compromised in some way that was sabotaging me? Was it my hormones? I keep track of everything. I was using MyFitnessPal, my activity app on my iPhone, and a sleep app. I’m data driven and I was trying to put all the pieces together myself. I sought the advise of my trainers at the corporate gym, my Nurse Practitioner I see twice a year for bio identical HRT, and even spoke to a nutritionist. They each had their own impression yet, none of them was able to pinpoint the reason for my struggle. My NP was the most strategic in considering the entire picture of what I was sharing, and gave me the most practical advice. She said, “You know… women your age…” and after that I completely tuned out. I left her office and called my Mom, because that’s what we do when we are approaching 50 years of age and still have our Mom’s. I cried and complained and then put my big girl panties on and decided I was on a mission to solve it myself. I will tell you, I didn’t have a lot of weight to lose. It’s a slippery slope, though. I knew if I didn’t get a hold of it now, it was likely not going to come off. That was in May of ’18. I did take heed of some of the things my NP pointed out. (I will also tell you she is one of my hero’s so keep in mind I do listen to everything she says and at least attempt to implement it into my life)! She told me that I needed to completely change my approach to working out, and slow down. Bootcamp may not be the best exercise for me. She said that I knew what I needed to do with my nutrition and that like everything in life, the body cycles and the older we get the more we need to consider what once worked, won’t work anymore. All of this coupled with my own knowledge and intuition allowed me to push through it. I tried to ignore the fact that I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted, and continued to workout, watch my carb intake, and make some additional changes to my lifestyle. So, I slowed the workouts down a bit, added more yoga and tried to walk more. Frankly, I didn’t see much change.
In early ’19 I was on a mission to reinvent myself, career, and life. I left the corporate world, embarked on an educational journey, pivoted back to what I thought might be the direction of a corporate role again and ultimately landed in the world of Integrative Health Coaching. Along the way, I took the time to take a step back and consider my fitness and physique goals , contemplating all the discussions I’d had, or attempted to have, the lack of results and the knowledge I had. I decided to put even more discipline into my life with daily ‘movement’, because I still wasn’t seeing the results I was looking for with the afore mentioned changes. I put my own plan together. (What I didn’t realize is that this was leading me to where I am today as an Integrative Health Coach). I tried what I knew once worked for me. I knew I needed an efficient total body workout that covered major muscle groups. I walk my dog everyday for 30-60 minutes and I burn approximately 2,200 calories/day. I started incorporating running 3x/week for 30 minutes, into my existing routine of HIIT training 3x/week for 35-40 minutes. Basically, I move everyday for at least 30 - 90 minutes. I manage my carb intake, but don’t feel I really sacrifice anything. I continue to enjoy wine everyday, eat healthy, but the addition of my slow jog 3x/week made ALL the difference for me. I also circled back with my NP to have my hormone levels checked again and she recommended another supplement. Which helped with my estrogen levels, and I saw a loss of belly fat that I hadn’t seen in the previous two years. This combination worked for me. But, if I hadn’t been through all of this and sought my own answers by continuing to learn, and ask questions, I wouldn’t have known what to try. I kept thinking to myself, “I wish there was someone who would look at my entire situation and tell me what to start paying more attention to”. Well… that person ended up being ME!
You may or may not know what you need, or what your body will respond to at your current age, weight and/or physical condition (including any health issues). This is where I come in. I can help you sort through and weed out what might be blocking you. Help you get your mojo back, so to speak! If you are ready to commit 60 minutes to me, contact me, I can help.