For Corporations & Organizations
Providing the benefit of an in-house option for health coaching (completely or partially sponsored), can increase employee enthusiasm, longevity and ultimately healthier team members. Studies show employees gain less weight, and saved employers on average almost $600 per year, per employee that participated. Health coaches engage employees and meet them where they are so they are more successful at making healthy behavior changes. Employees drive success by creating SMART goals with their coach while the coach acts as their personal cheerleader throughout the entire process.

If you want to offer your employees value add benefits to the suite of benefits you currently offer. This could be an enhancement to an existing wellness program. If your employees have high stress job functions, work at their desks all day with little movement, and/or are utilizing insurance benefits to manage preventable diseases, this is an option you can offer for creating healthy sustainable lifestyle habits.

Providing the benefit of an in-house option for health coaching (completely or partially funded), can increase employee enthusiasm, longevity and ultimately healthier team members. Studies show employees gain less weight, and saved employers on average almost $600 per year, per employee that participated. Health coaches engage employees and meet them where they are so they are more successful at making healthy behavior changes. Employees drive success by creating SMART goals with their coach while the coach acts as their personal cheerleader throughout the entire process.
Providing coaching to employees that are interested, at low or no cost to them, so that they can efficiently participate in an effort that can make them healthier and more productive in the work place (or, working from home as the case may be at this time during the pandemic).
Take advantage of value add opportunities including group coaching for teams, and presentations focused on living with vitality with deep dives into key focus areas of nutrition, exercise and sleep.